Custom Patio Fountains

Quality home patio fountains at affordable prices

The team at Whimsical Waterworks has over 30 years of experience building unique water features.

Browse this site to see samples of the types of custom fountains we have created and installed.

Contact us today to learn how we can bring your unique outdoor artwork to life in a beautiful patio fountain.

Create Your Own Masterpiece

Fountain Design

From antiques, to hydrants, to musical instruments - the possibilities are endless.


The Whimsical Team creates a unique patio fountain incorporating your selected art piece.


In just a few days, the Whimsical Team can be on-site to plumb, install and turn-on your patio fountain.


The relaxing sound of flowing water will enhance the outdoor appeal of any patio or backyard.

Get Started Today

Click CONTACT to message our team.